As data controller, Swedish Probiotics AB (“The Company” “we” or “us”) is responsible for ensuring that all processing of your personal data is in conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This personal data policy explains in more detail which personal data we process and the purpose of personal data processing. The policy also describes your rights and how to exercise them as well as what we do in order to process your personal data in a secure way.
All types of information that refer directly or indirectly to a natural person who is alive constitutes personal data. Names, addresses, photos as well as encrypted data or different types of electronic identities such as an IP number can constitute personal data for example. We only process your personal data. Processing can entail for example collection, storage, registration, sorting, compilation, transfer or erasure of such data.
Swedish Probiotics AB (with Swedish organisation no. 559247-8423) is data controller for the company’s personal data processing. This means that we have a responsibility to process your personal data in conformity with applicable privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If we call upon a service provider to process your personal data, the service provider is recognized as a personal data processor.
We may contact you for the purpose of marketing by e-mail provided that you have not notified us that you do not want to be contacted. Subsequently, we conclude that when balancing interests, there is a legitimate interest to communicate with you concerning our products, which prevails over the need of protection for your personal data.
We save your information (e-mail address) in order to informs you about offers and news concerning our products that we believe may be of interest to you. This does not apply however if you have notified us that you do not want to be contacted for the aforementioned reasons.
All personal data processing performed after the objective has been reached is based solely on legal requirements or your consent.
Your personal data can also be used for statements of administrative and legal matters and statistical and marketing analyses for the purpose of improving our services, our website and its accessibility, our systems and their development and maintenance, and customer surveys.
It is stipulated in our policy that we do not request or process sensitive information from our customers. Therefore, please do not disclose such information (information on, for e.g. ethnic background, political points of view, religious convictions or philosophical beliefs, membership of trade unions, health or sexual activity) to us.
We may have recourse to personal data processors in countries outside the EU/EEA to process personal data collected. Prior to the transfer of personal data to such third parties, we take appropriate protective measures to ensure that such parties have corresponding security measures in place, such that all processing of personal data is performed in a secure way, and we check that the EU-Commission has ruled that the country in question is able to guarantee a so-called adequate level of protection.
We do not transfer your personal data to third parties in any other way than the aforementioned, and we do not sell or lend your personal data to other third parties.
As mentioned above, we can use your personal data to send news letters and offers concerning our products that we believe can be of interest to you. We offer all our customers the opportunity to receive marketing material about our products. We do our best to customise such information so that it is well-suited to you. If you do not wish to receive any marketing material from us, you can follow the instructions that are attached to our e-mail dispatches or by contacting us at [email protected].
Cookies are text files composed of letters and numbers that are sent from our web server and saved onto your web browser or unit. Swedish Probiotics AB uses cookies to improve and facilitate your visit. We do not use cookies to store personal data or to transfer information on to third parties.
We use cookies from third parties to collect statistics in compiled forms in analytical tools such as Google Analytics and Hotjar. The cookies that are used are both permanent or temporary cookies (session cookies). Permanent cookies are saved as files on your computer or mobile device for a maximum of 24 months. Temporary cookies are erased when you close your web browser.
By configuring your web browser, you yourself have the possibility to limit the scope of cookies. You can, for example, block or erase cookies. You can also choose to browse in an anonymous mode. Please note that certain services may not work if you erase cookies.
Incorrect or incomplete personal data, or such information for which we do not have a legal basis to process, is rectified or erased at the Company’s own initiative, or at your request. All information that is no longer needed to fulfil the objectives of personal data processing, as mentioned in point 3 above, is erased.
Your personal data is stored for as long as necessary for the objectives that are mentioned in point 3 above.
You are entitled to receive information on what personal data concerning you we process, to request rectification, erasure or transfer of personal data, as well as entitled to request restriction of processing of your personal data. You are also entitled to request an extract of the data register containing information about you that is stored.
If you have any questions about information concerning you that we process or you want to exercise any of your rights, please contact us; see our contact details below.
If you have a complaint concerning our processing of your personal data, you are always entitled to have recourse to the regulatory authority:
The Swedish Data Inspection Board, Box 8114, 104 20 Stockholm, [email protected].
Data controller’s contact details
The data controller for your personal data is Swedish Probiotics AB (org. no. 559247-8423), Stockholm E-mail: [email protected]
If you want to update or amend disclosed information or have any questions or points of view concerning our products, the information we process or your rights, you are welcome to contact our customer services by e-mail:
[email protected] or by telephone: +46 (0)791 04 60 80.
We may amend this personal data policy. We do this in order to be able to adapt the policy to amendments in legislation in effect, for commercial needs or to ensure our customers’, marketing partners’ and service providers’ needs. Updated versions are published on our website with the amendment date such that it is clear when the last update occurred.
The personal data policy was last updated on 26th January, 2021.